Focus ...


I, like many folks, have vast interests. This extends into my professional life as well. I find so many things important. I am sure this is because of my strong belief that children are people and have many facets that make them the special kiddo they are. The whole child. Are they healthy? Are they happy? Are they hungry? What's their passion? Are they kind and treating others kindly?

So often I'll tweet something about homework, school nutrition, education policies and/or reform, even family involvement. But my real passion(s) ... Kindness. Technology.

Kindness. Are adults modeling what it looks and sounds like to treat others with kindness? Are we having conversations with kiddos when they display unkind behaviors? Are we using reinforcing language when we witness displays of kindness? Are we using literature as a means to discuss emotions and reactions to those emotions? Are we using historical and current events as a tool to learn from others' mistakes and successes?

Technology. I find technology to be a fascinating part of our lives. What we are capable of doing with technology, good and bad, inspires me every day. And so I may tweet and blog about particular Web 2.0 Tools and Applications that I find helpful and engaging in the classroom. Because, as one of my third graders says, "What eight year old doesn't want to have fun learning?"

For me, it is the mingling of the two that drives me. Are we living positive offline lives? Are we transferring our face to face skills online? Do we behave the same way online as we do offline? What are we doing, as experienced adults, to mentor our youth to do just that? How are we using technology, specifically social media, in the classroom to support the growth of positive digital habits?

A dear friend of mine says how important it is for each of us to have a passion. Something that makes us excited about our day and fulfills us. Cyber Kindness does that for me, and it is time to nurture it. So, I will be shifting my vr2ltch Blog focus a bit to do just that. Focusing on tools that encourage collaboration and communication. Focusing on websites and organizations that are dedicated to promoting positive (digital) lives.

My hope for you is that you discover your passion. Nurture it. Live your exciting life!

This is a cross post from my other blog


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