Pin It!
First, Pinterest is a site built upon collecting things that interest you and sharing that with others. You can collect images, videos, sites, blogs, games, purchases. Whatever you choose. And teachers are well known for collecting. It allows me to collect sites in a visually appealing way; there has to be an image associated with what you pin. And because I work with younger children I know the importance of meeting the needs of a variety of learners, the combination of visuals and text are helpful! Of course the educator in me couldn't help but start thinking about all of the educational things I could do with it!
Professionally, I've begun boards related to digital citizenship and kind-heartedness. Pinterest is a perfect site to collect articles, websites, and what-not around topics that are important to you. For me it is digital citizenship and anything that inspires kiddos to be kind to each other. But I've also been able to collect curriculum related resources. I love how this allows me to connect to fellow educators in another way (in addition to Twitter). I've followed a few more education blogs since I've started pinning, too! the classroom...I see a great deal of potential for it. I am an avid of Symbaloo. I have a great deal of Symbaloo webmixes on my classroom website. I like that I can create visual buttons for all of the users to access. But here is the problem, oftentimes I like to pull out a few of those resources for my kiddos to access. For example, when we are learning multiplication facts I like to pull out specific games that will let my kiddos practice them in a fun way. I often use Tumblr to aggregate those resources, but I really would prefer to provide them with a visual. Pinterest would allow me to do that! I can pull together specific games related to time out of all of the time games I have and post little notes on them so that they can determine which would be best for them!
Those are all great ways I can use them as an educator, but are also some stellar ways for my kiddos to use them. Did I mention that there's an app for that? Whether you use Android or Apple there is. This makes the application much easier to integrate in the classroom. Here are a few ideas I have for how it could be used by students:
- Student Portfolio ~ I currently use Evernote in the classroom as a student portfolio & do love the multi-modal capabilities. But I could just as easily see this be done with Pinterest. Students could take a snapshot of their work, upload it, and then write a reflection. They could also video record their reflection and post it.
- Research ~ They could gather resources for a research project and write their notes right on the pin.
- Share Books ~ They could post images of the book jackets, rate them, write book reviews, develop theories about characters. Speaking of characters...
- Character Pinterests ~ They could create boards that demonstrate their understanding of a character or historical figure. For example (we happen to be reading Despereaux) they could locate images of light and revenge to demonstrate what is important to Roscurro the rat.
- Timelines ~ They could develop a timeline of a typical day of a historical figure (we happen to be exploring Native Americans) and post images that demonstrate what things they would most likely do during a day: hunt, skin, tend to the corn, etc.
- Scientific Procedures ~ Couldn't they capture images of the process they went through during an experiment and capture their notes of it along the way?
- Problem Solving ~ They could do the same for explaining how they solved a mathematical problem.
- Explore Language ~ What a fun way to create pictorial representation of vocabulary and/or phonetics they are currently exploring? It could even become a visual dictionary for them!!!<span style="color: orange;">Student Portfolio</span>
- Digital Story Telling ~ Pull together images and write captions to pull together a cohesive story. They could do the same thing with non-fiction writing and create an infographic!!!
I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm also thinking it would be a good way to group together student projects instead of listing them on my website. When they all publish something, I could pull them together on a board and make it one-stop shopping! I would love to hear some ideas of how you have used or would use Pinterest with your students!
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