Go Big

My colleague across the hall and I have been co-teaching our grade 3 biography unit.  Biography is not a genre near and dear to my heart so I was ecstatic when she agreed to co-teach.  This particular unit is one that we wrote as a team a couple of months ago, and it happens to be one of those units that is better on paper than in reality.  Anways, she and I just want to be done with it and so we are happily wrapping it up this week. 

Our original intention was to have the kiddos demonstrate the mini-lessons via Fakewall, but we were having so many issues between CMTs, Fakewall, and the wireless connection.  We did not want to let the kiddos down; they were quite dejected at each failed attempt to create a fake Facebook page, so we decided to do a culminating project instead.  In talking we originally decided to do two tech options.  But of course, I am of the 'go big' mentality and could not stick to that. 

Yesterday we were sharing the choices with the kiddos and I know that most of the Web 2.0 choices (Voki, Wordle, Blabberize) are unfamiliar with them.  The iPod choices are unfamiliar to most of them as well (Songify and Talking Tom and Ben do the News).  But in our intro, the kiddos never once asked how they would learn how to do it.  Instead they asked if they would be able to help each other figure out how to use the applications.  I LOVED it!!! 

I know that I won't have to show them what to do, because they will work it out.  I will encourage them to play around and ask a friend.  Besides, if we get in a jam, last year's kiddos can be called upon to help. 


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