Traveling Teacher

I'll be on the road for 3 weeks; one state, two cities.  I'm excited because I'll be doing something that I truly enjoy: sharing Responsive Classroom with fellow educators.  I feel pretty prepared as far as presenting goes.  My notes are ready with just a few tweaks to be made and I've got all of my checklists ready come packing time on Friday.  I've gone online and scoped out some tourist-y things to do on the weekends when I'm on my own.  Yet, I'm feeling pretty unprepared about a few other things. 

Since the school year ended I've been on a pretty easy going schedule. Not having to be anywhere at any particular time allows me to take my sweet time with my morning routine.  I truly have no idea how long it takes me to complete my workout, shower, & breakfast because I do so many other things in between.  Like laundry, some house project, or getting caught up in my social media addiction. 

So, I'm worried.  I am someone who needs to workout in the morning.  If I don't, the odds of it getting done are nil; I can find all kinds of excuses to not workout.  This week I am on a mission to figure out my time frame.  Do I need an hour, hour and a half, or two hours?  Should I split up my workout and run/walk in the am and then strength train in the pm?  If I do it all in the morning, what time will I need to get up and then go to bed?  

It may sound silly to worry about this, but I am really trying to replace some of my bad habits with some healthier ones.  And when you are on the road it can be tricky.  It can be even trickier when you are on the road with other people and you know you'll be eating out often which means a minimum of two hours away from the hotel and workout area. 

Speaking of food...that's another concern of mine.  I've got some truly satisfying smoothies that I whip up in the morning, and a really yummy mid-day snack.  As soon as I land I'm going to have to scope out the area to see what my alternatives are going to be.  (I suppose I could use my Poynt app to do that before I leave, but figure it's always good to get recommendations from the locals.)  Not to mention that my grandfather has been supplying with fresh veggies from his garden and these have been my lunchtime staples.  Lunch is typically provided, and instead of sweating it, I'm going to choose wisely from what is provided.  Dinner won't be too much of a problem as long as I stick to fish and chicken.  

I know I'll figure it out.  I am bound and determined to stick with the changes I've made.  Especially because I want to continue seeing the results I've been getting.  After my trip I'll be sure to blog about any discoveries I make.  Oh...and I'll most likely blog about my tourist-y excursions on my down days. 


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