Mr. President

Now that he has been re-elected, it is my hope that my pet peeve will finally be addressed. I have been pretty quiet about it these last four years, but underneath I have been seething. It is time that President Obama be addressed as such. Have you noticed this? I have time and again. Never have I heard a public official be disrespected in such a way.

President Bill Clinton was our president over twelve years ago, yet how he was addressed while in office? How about now that he is no longer in office? Yes, as President Clinton. Why? Because that was the position he was elected to, the job he has done, and the honor he receives for serving his country in that capacity.

Connecticut happens to have a former governor that was incarcerated. Governor John Rowland. How was he addressed while in office? As Governor Rowland. How was he addressed while in prison? Governor Rowland. How is he addressed now that his out of prison and has his own talk radio show? Governor Rowland. A former incarcerated official keeps his title. Why? Because that was the position he was elected to, the job he has done, and the honor he receives for serving his state in that capacity.

Interestingly, President Obama has not received that same respect. Time and again I hear him being addressed as Mr. Obama. While I recognize that there a great number of citizens that disagree with his politics or did not vote for him. However, the facts remain the facts. He is the President of the United States. Having been elected into that position, he has earned the title and deserves the respect to be titled, addressed as such; President Obama.

My plea, to all news organizations, is that you cease calling our elected president Mr. Obama. I know that when writing a lengthy piece it is acceptable to address our president in different forms, including Mr. Yet, what is occurring is that he is being addressed as Mr. Obama with the first mention. Socially inappropriate and disrespectful. It is time, and long overdue, that when reporting the news involving the president that he be called President Obama. Why? Because that was the position he was elected to, the job he continues to do, and the honor he receives for serving his country in that capacity.


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