Vr2lTch is on YouTube
I am really excited to share that Vr2lTch is now on YouTube! This channel will be dedicated to all things Library Media and education. Some things that I look forward to sharing on YouTube include:
- tips & tricks in the library media center
- exciting lessons, units, & activities
- epic successes & failures
- interviews in the field
- & more!
I never thought that I would have a YouTube channel. A few things have recently changed my mind. One is that I am watching more & more YouTube as I continue on my vegan journey. I subscribe to a variety of vegan channels that all provide something quite different and yet provide with a bounty of information. Another is my students. So many of them have aspirations of becoming a YouTuber and they think I am the coolest thing whenever I make them a video and then post it on YouTube. I wanted to get a real sense of what it means to be a YouTuber so that I know how to help them achieve their goals. Lastly, I find keeping up with blogging quite difficult and there are so many times when just pulling out my iPhone to record something is just so much quicker! I feel like I could pull together a quick video in between classes or during my planning period.
Take a moment to subscribe to my channel by clicking below and share it with potentially interested colleagues! I look forward to seeing you there!
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